Why ES6?
ES6 is the 6th and by far the most popular version of ECMAScript. Unlike the other versions, this was a huge game-changer. It brought many features for developers to make their lives easier. It improved the syntax making it more modern and readable. Let's look at some of these changes.
Defining a variable
It is a good practice to define a variable using const
simply because its value cannot be changed (although objects and arrays pointing to a const
defined variable are mutable) which leaves less room for error. Using let
is also a better practice to define a variable instead of var
because var
is vulnerable to hoisting.
var num = 5
const number = 5
Arrow Functions
Arrow functions is another great feature introduced in ES6. It makes the code more readable and easy to write since many functions in JavaScript use another function as a parameter.
function add(a, b){
return a+b
const add = (a, b) => a+b
Template Literals
I am really glad that I found this feature early on, it's a real lifesaver for people like me who hate concatenation. Template literals allow a user to format a string in a more structured and readable way.
var name = 'Chirag'
var age = 18
var message = 'Hi, my name is '+ name + ' and I am ' + age + ' years old'
let name = 'Chirag'
let age = 18
const message = `Hi, my name is ${name} and I am {age} years old`
Destructuring is just the cool word for unpacking arrays and objects in JavaScript. In ES5 people had to manually assign the object/array values one by one. One can also easily swipe 2 values using this. Here's how it's done in ES6.
//Destructuring an array
var fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango']
var fruit1 = fruits[0]
var fruit2 = fruits[1]
var fruit3 = fruits[2]
const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango']
const [fruit1, fruit2, fruit3] = fruits
//Destructuring an object
var student = {
name: 'Chirag',
age: 18,
subject: 'Compuet Science'
var givenName = student.name
var givenAge = student.age
var givenSubject = student.subject
const student = {
name: 'Chirag',
age: 18,
subject: 'Compuet Science'
const {name, age, subject} = student
Rest and Spread
I was confused about the differences between Rest and Spread operators since both use...
and are quite similar in syntax. These operators have different uses. Let's see what are these uses.
A rest operator is used when the number of arguments passed into a function is unknown. ...rest
is considered the best practice when using this operator but any word followed by ...
can be used. All the arguments passed into the ...rest
parameter are returned in a form of an array.
const print = (a,b...rest) => console.log(a,b,rest)
A spread operator is used in many cases. ...spread
destructures an array/object when passed as an argument. It can also be used to concatenate and copy arrays/objects. Here's how it is used.
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
//Math.max(numbers) would return NaN
Classes lie at the core of object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming is used when there are huge chunks of code. It helps keep the code more structured and readable. Here's how you create and use a class in JavaScript.
class Student{
this.name = name
this.age = age
this.subject = subject
const student1 = new Student('Chirag', 18, 'Math')
Promises is a fantastic feature used to write asynchronous code. I have used it in fetching data from an API multiple times. It can also be used for functions that do not run immediately. Here's how you fetch data from an API using promises.
function translatetxt(){
const query=`${apiURL}?text=${text}`
.then(response => response.json()) //promise
.then(data => {output.innerText = data.contents.translated;})
Working with modules
Modules allow developers to use different pieces of code (stored in different files) in other files. This is done by using import
and export
. This way of writing different sections code in different files increases the readability of the program and also allows reusability. Here's how you use import
and export
// File -> main.js
export default class Student{
this.name = name
this.age = age
this.subject = subject
export function getAge(student){
console.log(`Student's age is ${student.age}`)
// File -> work.js
import student from /main.js //imports class Student
import getAge as age from /main.js //imports function getAge()
I am pretty sure I didn't talk about all the JavaScript features introduced in the ES6 version. These were all the topics that I learned this week. I wanted to document and revise my learnings through this blog. Bonus points for me if someone found this blog helpful. If you are still here, thank you for taking out time to read my blog. I really appreciate it. Let's hope that I keep learning and keep writing more blogs!